AWS DeepRacer is a fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning. It consists of the following components:
The AWS DeepRacer console is a graphical user interface for interacting with the AWS DeepRacer service. You can use the console to train a reinforcement learning model and to evaluate the model performance in the AWS DeepRacer simulator. In the console, you can also download a trained model for deployment to your AWS DeepRacer vehicle for autonomous driving in a physical environment.
In summary, the AWS DeepRacer console supports the following features:
When you use the AWS DeepRacer service console you are charged based on your usage to train or evaluate and store models.
To get you started, AWS DeepRacer provides a Free Tier to first time AWS DeepRacer users. This is enough time to train and tune your first model and enter the AWS DeepRacer League. There is no cost for submitting a model to take part in any AWS DeepRacer League virtual event.
For details about pricing see the AWS DeepRacer service detail page .
The AWS DeepRacer vehicle is a Wi-Fi enabled, physical vehicle that can drive itself on a physical track by using a reinforcement learning model.
The AWS DeepRacer League is an important component of AWS DeepRacer. The AWS DeepRacer League is intended to foster community and competition.
With the AWS DeepRacer League, you can compare your ML skills with other AWS DeepRacer developers in a physical or virtual racing event. Not only do you have the opportunity to earn prizes and achievements, you also have a way to measure your reinforcement learning models. You can compete with other participants, learn from each other, and inspire each other. If you win achievements for your performance in the AWS DeepRacer League, you can share them with your community on social media. For more information, see the terms and conditions .