Regulatory and Legal framework governing Mines and Minerals in India

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Mineral in any country plays an important role in upgrading the economy for any Sovereign estate and especially for a developing country like India. The energy sector does need special attention so that the minerals are utilized to the greatest good to the greatest numbers and not exploited for personal selfish needs and desire.

At first, there was no law in India for governing the mineral sector and the natural resources were often get exploited without any Control, conditions and rules which results in accumulation of money into few hands and often the growth of mafias. Thereafter the new laws came were drafted to govern the Minerals of India.

Legal Framework on Minerals mining in India

The Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act (MMDR), 1957 is the principal legislation that governs the mineral and mining sector in India. The Act is a central legislation in force for regulation of mining operations in India. Under the act, minerals are taken under two broad heads, major minerals and minor minerals. The list is lucid.

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The power to frame policy and legislation on the minor minerals are entirely the subjected and delegated to the State Governments while policy and legislation relating to the major minerals are dealt by the Ministry of Mines under Union /Central Government of India. The central government has the power to notify “minor minerals” under section 3 (e) of the MMDR Act, 1957. On the other hand, as per Section 15 of the MMDR Act, 1957 State Governments have complete powers for making Rules for grant of concessions in respect of extraction of minor minerals and levy and collection of royalty on minor minerals.

Whereas in case of offshore areas (territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic zone and other Maritime zones of India), the ownership of minerals vests exclusively with the Central Government. In order to regulate the mining and development of minerals in the offshore area, the Parliament has enacted the “Offshore Areas Minerals (Development and Regulation Act, 2002”. The Act empowers the Central Government to grant mineral concessions for offshore areas and collect royalty. The Indian Bureau of Mines has been notified as the administrative authority for concession management of offshore areas.

Developments under The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957

Where there is inadequate evidence to show the existence of mineral contents of any notified mineral in respect of any area, a State Government has to obtain previous approval from the Central Government for granting a prospect licence-cum-mining lease for the said notified mineral in areas in accordance with the procedure laid down in section 11.

A holder of a mining lease or a prospecting licence-cum-mining lease granted in accordance with the procedure laid down in section 10B or section 11 may, with the previous approval of the State Government, transfer his mining lease or prospecting licence-cum-mining lease, as the case may be, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government, to any person eligible to hold such mining lease or prospecting licence-cum- mining lease in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder.

Constitution of Special Courts

U/s 30B (1) The State Government may, for the purposes of providing speedy trial of offences for contravention of the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (1A) of section 4, constitute, by notification, as many Special Court.

U/s 30B (2) A Special Court shall consist of a Judge who shall be appointed by the State Government with the concurrence of the High Court of the State.

U/s 30B (3) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as a judge of a Special Court unless he is or has been a District and Sessions Judge.

  1. U/s 30B (4) Any person aggrieved by the order of the Special Court may prefer an appeal to the High Court within a period of sixty days from the date of such order.
  2. Special Courts to have powers of Court of Session: – U/s 30C. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, applies in the proceedings before the Special Court and for the purpose of the provisions of this Act, the Special Court is deemed as a Court of Session and contain all the powers like of a Court of Session and the person conducting a prosecution before the Special Court is a public prosecutor for the purpose of this Act.
  3. The Central Government prescribe the terms and conditions, and procedure, for the auction which is conducted, including the bidding parameters for the selection, which include a share in the production of the mineral, or any payment linked to the royalty payable, or any other relevant parameter, or any combination or modification of them.
  4. The Central Government also framed the following rules for implementing the provisions of the MMDR Act under the Amendment made in the year 2015.
  5. Minerals (Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015:- This provides the set of rules that set the procedures to be followed for conducting any exploration to determine the mineral content and to take up the mineral blocks for auction and mineral concessions.
  6. Mineral (Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permits) Rules, 2015:- It laid down the process to be followed for grant of Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permit.
  7. Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015:- It contains the rules for auction with respect to grant of concessions over the minerals in India.
  8. National Mineral Exploration Trust Rules, 2015:- it laid down the objectives, functions and operations of the National Mineral Exploration Trust.

National Mineral Exploration Trust

Under Section 9C (1), The Central Government established a Trust, called as the National Mineral Exploration Trust which is a Non Profit Organization. The object of the Trust is to use the funds accrued to the Trust for the purposes of regional and detailed exploration in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

Functions of MET

District Mineral Foundation

Period of granting mining lease for minerals other than coal, lignite and atomic minerals

The gist of Offshore Areas Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 2002

The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM)

Offshore Areas Mineral Concession Rules, 2006

  1. The Offshore Areas Mineral Concession Rules, 2006, lay down the process for grant and renewal of reconnaissance permits, exploration licenses and production leases as per provisions of Section 35 of the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002.
  2. The rules prescribe for measures for protecting the marine environment and safety measures to be followed in the leased area.
  3. The rules also define the operational guidelines for each concession granted under the act.

Mines Act, 1952

The preamble of the Act laid down that it “an Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the regulation of labour and safety in mines”.

The Act consists of 88 sections in 10 chapters. The Mines Act, 1952 is a sort of welfare legislation which prescribes the laws relating to the regulation of labour and their safety in mines. The act also regu­lates for carrying out mining operations and management of mines. It lays down the basic provisions for health and safety of people em­ployed in mines and regulates their working conditions. It also has provisions relating to in­spection of mines and procedure of reporting to be followed.

Sec.8 – powers of special officers to enter, measure etc.

Sec.9 – facilities to be afforded to Inspectors

Sec.19 – Provisions for drinking water

Sec.28 – Weekly day of Rest

Sec. 29 – Compensatory day of Rest

Sec. 30 – Hours of work above the ground

Sec.31 – Hours of work below the ground

Sec.40 – employment of persons below 18 years of age

Sec.45 – prohibition of presence of persons below 18 years of age in a mine

Section 2(JJ) of the Mines Act of 1952 defines the term ‘minerals’ as meaning ‘all substances which can be obtained from the earth by mining, digging, drilling, dredging, hydraulic, quarrying or by any other operation and includes mineral oils (which in turn include natural gas and petroleum)’.

The Supreme Court of India in Ichchapur Industrial Co-operative Society Limited v. The Competent Authority, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation and Another (1997(1) SC.130, Judgement Today) has held that the term ‘mineral’ as defined in the Mines Act of 1952, includes water as well. (Link:

Mines Rules, 1955

  1. The Mines Rules, 1955 provides the provision for engaging a medical officer for examination the persons employed at mines.
  2. The rules also provided the basic health and sanitation provisions and welfare amenities for the miners and their families.
  3. The clearances required for exploring or mining an area under a grant depends on the type of concession.

A list of indicative clearances, approvals and permits may be included as a part of the Tender Document at the time of auction by a State Government.

Some of the mandatory clearances/ approvals, inter alia, required for commencement of exploration or mining operations include:

The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

As stated in the preamble of the Act that, “An Act to provide for the conservation of forests and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto”.

  1. The Act put mandate over the State Government to have consultation and approval before declaring any forest as ‘Non-Forest’ zone which has been specifically reserved as ‘Forest Zone’.
  2. The power to make rules under the Act has been delegated to the Central Government.

Types of Concessions

As per the MMDR Act 2015 (Amendment), the following two types of License which are granted to the bidders: –

There are two types of licence/lease –

  1. Mining Lease
  2. Composite License

These are electronically obtained after applying on the auction process under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment, Act 2015. This is also at par with the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015 notified by the Centre. The rules made it clear that auctioning will be done on a forward auction basis where the highest bid above the reserve price will win. The winner will have to undertake exploration in the area. If the winner fails to find mineral content, the licence will lapse and the mining lease shall be cancelled.

Role of Government: The Government will initiate an auction process for grant of a mining lease with respect to an area within the State. It will issue a notice inviting tender (NIT) with respect to mineral auction, identify and demarcate the area where a mining lease is proposed to be granted through auction by using total station and differential global positioning system. It is also required to classify the area so demarcated into forests land, land owned by the State Government and land not owned by the State Government.

The tender document will also include estimated mineral resources and brief particulars regarding evidence of mineral contents and list of all clearances and permissions obtained with respect to such area in order to commence mining operation.

  1. Minerals are classified into minor minerals and major minerals.
  2. Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 (MMDR Act) is the main Act to govern the Minerals in India.
  3. The Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act 2002 regulates the development of mineral resources in territorial waters, continental shelf, exclusive economic zone and other maritime zones of India.
  4. The following licences are issued by the state government under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 (MMDR Act):
  5. Reconnaissance permit (RP):an RP is for the purpose of undertaking reconnaissance operations and is a right to perform any operations undertaken for preliminary prospecting of a mineral.
  6. Prospecting licence (PL):a PL is for the purpose of undertaking operations with respect to exploring, locating or proving mineral deposits.
  7. Mining lease (ML):an ML is a lease, which also includes a sub-lease, for the purpose of undertaking mining operations with respect to extracting minerals from the relevant mine.
  8. Where there is a breach of any condition imposed on the holder, the RP, ML or PL can be cancelled by the relevant state government and/or the amount deposited as security deposit (as applicable) may be forfeited in whole or in part.
  9. The central government can, after consultation with the relevant state government, cancel an ML or a PL if it is in the public interest to do so (MMDR Act).