After assuming the charge as Uttarakhand director general of police (DGP), senior IPS officer Ashok Kumar on Tuesday stressed on the need of smart policing by adopting the state of the art technology. The new state DGP has also constituted a six departmental committees to introduce SMART (S-Sensitive & Strict, M-Modern with Mobility, A-Alert & Accountable, R- Reliable & Responsive, T-Trained & Techno-Savvy) policing in Uttarakhand and to increase the capabilities of the police personnel to take on new challenges.
“We are aiming to introduce convenient policing for the people. For instance, we are planning to make postmortem reports online for the convenience of the people,” Kumar said after assuming the charge.
Ashok Kumar, a 1989 batch IPS officer, has taken over as the new DGP from Anil Kumar Raturi who retired on Monday after 33 years of service. Kumar during his first interaction with the media after taking the DGP charge said that he plans to make the state police a smart police in the coming days.
A IIT-Delhi pass out, Kumar is a B. Tech and M. Tech engineer. The new DGP also stressed the need for the state police to conduct ‘victim-oriented’ policing while taking on ‘land mafias’ in the state.
“By victim-oriented policing, I mean that police personnel should take decisions keeping the victims in mind. We are going to make policing more accessible, pro-poor, and pro-women,” Kumar said.
While identifying the immediate task of the state police, Kumar said that “zero tolerance approach will be adopted against the land mafia. We are going to invoke the Gangster Act against people indulging in land grabbing.”
Kumar also warned the police officers to refrain from any type of misbehaviour with the public and added that any such act against the public will not be tolerated. In response to a question regarding the prevailing corruption in the police department, Ashok Kumar said, “Any police personnel indulging in corrupt practices is not fit to don the uniform and if we receive any such complaint, strict action would be taken against such errant cops.”
Kumar also stressed that the state police will focus on strengthening the cyber cell of the state police to deal with cyber crimes that have been on rise.